Dear Friends,
Peace be with you! It is with GREAT pleasure that I welcome you to our webpage!
The First United Church of Christ is a community of believers United in Christ through Nurturing Relationships, Inviting Neighbors, Touching Needs, Exalting God, and Deepening Faith. We are committed to being a purpose driven ministry, and as such, we desire deeply to share the unconditional love of God with our community both locally and globally. It is our hope that this website will give you a glimpse into our ministry, history, and be a source of information about who we are as a church. After all, the church is not the building, but the people who make up the faith body.
First Church has a rich history and we pray for a promising future. We want YOU to be a part of that future here with us. Here at the First United Church of Christ we believe in giving our visitors an EXTRAVAGENT welcome. “At First Church we promise to always seek to affirm the person that you are with loving hearts and open minds. We promise to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ with you, in loving and being loved by God and neighbor. And most of all, we promise to love you for the person you are and God created you to be, by living out the United Church of Christ’s promise that, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at the First United Church of Christ in Shelby Ohio. Jesus never turned anyone away, and neither do we.”
I would love to get to know you better. On this webpage, you will find information that will help you get in touch with me. Let’s have lunch sometime on me! Please let me know how I can serve you and your family. I hope to hear from you soon, or better yet see you in worship!
Love and Peace, +James Robinson- Lead Pastor